IELTS Writing Task 1: Introduction Errors

IELTS Writing Task 1 Introduction Paragraph – learn what mistakes to avoid. The introduction should be short and factual based on the information given. It should also be the quickest part of task 1 for you to write. 

Look at the graph and introduction paragraph below. Then answer the questions.


Source: The above chart was not created by IELTS Liz.

Introduction Paragraph

Look at the introduction below and spot the mistakes.


The graph give the information about the number of computer ownership by education level in two different years.


  1.  How many mistakes are there in the introduction above?
  2. How would you write the introduction?


Click below to reveal the answers and a model introduction.

  1. The graph = The bar chart
  2. give = gives (s)
  3. gives the information about = gives information about (no “the”)
  4. the number of = the percentage of / proportion of
  5. computer ownership by education level = copied from graph. Do not copy phrases from the question paper. You can use the words, but change the order or paraphrase where possible.
  6. in two different years = always provide full information. Give the precise dates
Model Introduction

Model Introduction

The bar chart gives information about the proportion of people from five different levels of education who owned a computer in two different years (2002 and 2010).

Model Introduction Comments: As you can see, the first words are not altered because they are not required to be paraphrased. A bar chart is a bar chart. However, the verb is paraphrased and the rest of the information is reworded. As the education levels are length to write, it is possible to give information about how many there are in your introduction. Regarding dates, you can use brackets in IELTS Writing Task 1 and you can see that the dates are given in the brackets in this introduction. 


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  1. Parvathi R S says

    The bar chart illustrates the availability of computer technology in 5 kinds of educational system in 2002 and 2010. The units are measured in percentage.

    Overall, it is evident that computer ownership in 2002 as well as 2010 in each educational phase exhibited a highest trend according to the complexity in levels. Post Graduates uploads the top-most possession of computers, while, diploma students without Highschool subjected to be in the lower level in 2002 and 2010.

    To begin with, the difference among the number of computer owners in various phases below graduation is not at all negligible. High school holders possess nearly 35% in 2002 and about 65% in 2010 with a significant change around 30%. Similarly, diploma students without Highschool and youngsters who does not complete college continuous to prevail with approximately 25% and 45% difference each.

    On the other hand, graduation and post graduation learners had ownership over computers with nearly 65% and exactly 70% accordingly in 2002. Further more, it rose steadily by almost 20% in both level in 2010.


    Hi Liz. Thank you for the tips. Is it mandatory to write two sentences in order to make a paragraph? I ask because the model introduction proposed has only one sentence.

    • Don’t get confused with writing task 2. The introduction in writing task 2 will have two statements – a background statement and a thesis statement. However, writing task 1 is not an essay, it’s a report which is based on factually information that you see in the task. Your aim is to just present the key introductory points – paraphrase the information given and add any extra information from the graph/chart etc that is necessary such as names of categories, dates etc. So, the introduction will usually be just one sentence. However, sometimes you might also want to add a sentence about the measurements of units (but only if necessary to introduce).

  3. The bar chart shows the number of people of diffrent education qualification owning a computer compared in two years of 2002 and 2010.

  4. suma says

    The bar chart provides information about the computer ownership for five levels of education in 2002 and 2010 respectively. Units are measured in percentages.
    Overall, the computer ownership in 2002 and in 2010 experienced an upward trend without any fluctuations. The highest percentage of computer ownership is occupied by postgraduate qualification whereas the lowest percentage is occupied by no high school diploma.
    In one hand, postgraduate qualification in 2002 and 2010 has highest percentage which is 80% in 2002 and around 95% in 2010. However, the no high school diploma has lowest percentage which is around 15% in 2002 and around 45% in 2010.
    On the other hand, percentage of high school graduate in 2002 is half of that in 2010. It is around 35% in 2002 and around 65% in 2010. Whereas in college it is approximately 55% in 2002 and around 85% in 2010. The same structure goes with bachelor’s degree but little bit higher. It is around 70% in 2002 and around 90% in 2010 respectively.

    is this okay ? or should i make any changes??

  5. The bar chart illustrates the relationship between the proportion of people who owned computers and their different levels of education, ranging from no high school diploma to postgraduate qualification in the years 2002 and 2012.

    Overall, postgraduate qualification holders were the highest computer owners in both years while, people with no high school diploma had the lowest computer ownership in the year 2002 and 2012. Also, there was significant growth in the percentage of computer owned by people from the five different levels of education in 2012.

    In 2002, 35% of high school graduates owned computers which rose to about half in 2012(65%), where as college undergraduates accounted for about 55%(2002) of computer ownership and grew to 85% in 2012.

    In both years, the percentage ownership of computers for bachelor’s degree holders fall just below that of those with postgraduate qualification at about 70%(2002) and 90%(2012) for the former, and about 80%(2002) and about 95%(2012) for the latter.

  6. Santhosh Kumar K says

    The bar chart illustrates the proportion of people who owned computers on the basis of their educational qualification (no high school diploma, high school graduate, college incomplete, bachelor’s degree and postgraduate degree) in two different years (2002 and 2010).

  7. Nuruzzaman says

    Amazing model answer. I got surprised with that.

  8. Iveta says

    Is this right?
    The bar chart illustrates the percentage of computers owned by students depending on their place of education, in two different years, in 2002 and 2010.

  9. Humyra Islam says

    It will be ” GIVES” in the place of “GIVE” in introduction part.

    • That is one mistake. However, there are more to find. Keep looking. Then check the answers given on the page above.

  10. sandeep reddy says

    hello Liz
    in writing section we shoud not add any information we know , we just have to write the information as shown in figure right ?

    • Correct. This is a factual report based on the information on the paper. You can’t add any opinion, interpretation, prediction, advice or anything else except what is presented on the paper in fact.

  11. is overview important to write if we are doing diagram question,
    if yes, how to wright the overview for diagram
    kindly help me

  12. Paraskevi Giouvanaki says

    Dear Liz,
    First of all I would like to thank you(a lot!!) for all your wonderful work and the segnificant IELTS tips I learnt from you.
    I want to express my “fear” when it comes to the writing task 1…
    Well, I feel that I don’t know from where to begin when I am about to report the data…could you please give me any tips?
    Thank you in advance.

    Greetings from Greece 🙂

    • You need to take a deep breath and relax. Task 1 is about being logical and writing a clear report. There are simple steps:
      1. Paraphrase the description given and put the list of categories in the introduction if possible.
      2. Circle the key features and then present them in an overview in either one or two sentences – occasionally three.
      3. Decide how you will divide the body paragraphs which contain the details. Always choose the most logical way – paragraphing should be easy to understand.
      4. Make sure each sentence in your body paragraphs is supported by data. In the case of maps or diagrams, use the words given.
      Four simple steps. Now go to my main writing task 1 page, which is located on the RED BAR at the top of the site, and read the model answers and also watch all the free videos and then review the practice lessons.
      Does this help?

  13. Hi liz, i just took the exam yesterday and i was worried because instead of saying diagram in my introduction i changed it to illustration. Will it affect my score?

    • You definitely should not be worrying about one single word. IT isn’t needed to alter the word “diagram”. A diagram is a diagram. However, the word you chose has a similar meaning and does not confuse the reader, even though it can’t be used for all types of IELTS diagrams.

      • Sagar Choudhary says

        I want to ask one question
        Tell me which one is correct in ielts task 1
        The data is calibrated or
        The data was calibrated

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